Our chickens have a lot more personality than you'd expect. They're constantly checking in on us as they roam our ranch during the day..
Inspecting a newborn calf. This calf was about two hours old and had already walked a few miles with his momma before we got to him.
A cow and her newborn calf.
Our brand stands for industry, ingenuity, and audacity. What do you stand for?
Our team teaching a local 5th grade class about our operations and animals. Preparing our younger generations for the future is a big part of our mission.
Animal Husbandry Ranch Hand Brycen Nix with the heifer he halter trained as a calf. Ellie roams our HQ grounds and serves as our animal ambassador to visitors.
Two very curious calves. As they get older they become more confident and eventually come right up and inspect you with their nose and tongues.
A calf enjoying mother's milk. We make sure every calf hooks up to their mother as soon as possible after birth. This ensures every calf starts their life out healthy and strong.
We have the largest herd of Highlander Cattle in the United States. By the time our work on this Earth is done, no one will have heard of Angus or Wagyu.
Agriculture Manager Tripp Axtell watches a cow going through contractions. Fifteen minutes later a healthy calf was born without any intervention needed.

Our Highlanders exude a friendly, but dominant, personality. By treating the animals with respect and keeping them in a stress-free mountain environment we can always expect their beef to be full of flavor and of the highest quality.

Our ranch horses are ready to back us up and get us moving, rain or shine. These animals are truly humanity's greatest ally.